The morning started off with a box downtown for smoke from a building at 10:15 (good intent). Shortly after at 13:20 E141 w/5 responded to North Middleton Township to assist with a small bedroom fire on Esther Dr. While on the bedroom fire Engine 241 w/2 handled a fire alarm in the Borough at 13:50. A bicyclist was struck downtown later on at 16:25.
After the equipment was cleaned E141 w/4 attended the Lions Club Social Event at Letort Park from 17:30-20:00. Chief O’Donnell gave a speech about the fire department and the services we provide. The crew enjoyed a nice catered dinner with the Lions Club Members and then showed them our apparatus and tools we use on calls. We were also given a donation, thank you to the Lions Club for the invite and hospitality!
Around 20 calls have been handled this week so far including two small fires. |